A Day of Love

May 25, 2015

sunlight heart hands

Have you ever had a day that all was placed as if to to let you know that God is inside everything?

My day went very well with family on this Memorial Day with good conversation, a feeling of camaraderie, great food and drink. The sun even came out today which made it feel even better!

As you know I am going through the process of a soul retrieval this summer and there is a long list of things I have to accomplish along the way. Last night I made a list of relatives who have passed on and of items that I would get to signify what they liked when they were still alive. Next to Gary’s name I put a guitar pick because of his love of music and how much playing the guitar soothed him.

After my day with family, I came home where my dog welcomed me at the door obviously in need of outside to do his business.

Let me back up a bit first.

Before I left my house this morning, I had to take something to the garbage bin outside and noticed my “pet” garter snake was sunning himself in a pile of leaves to the left of my back door. I call him my “pet” because he has lived near my house for a few years now and I don’t mind him being there, although he is getting rather large. No matter to me. Anyway, whenever I let the dog out I always check around first for the snake because my dog would attack and kill him on sight.

Later upon returning home, I checked around and I didn’t see the snake but I did notice a bright red guitar pick in the pile of leaves that wasn’t there earlier today. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes and I actually hesitated before picking it up and looking closely at it. This pick is the same brand that Gary used and I think his favorite thickness too. I brought it inside and set it on the kitchen stove to look at it further. As I kept looking at it I got a very warm and tingly feeling which means Gary is hugging me. This is a very clear indication this path choice I’ve made is definitely something he agrees with and is supporting me. He was in the kitchen with me and it almost felt like he was in physical form again. I basked in the feeling!

Suffice to say, I will always keep it. Right now it’s sitting on my keyboard leaning against my rose quartz, LOVE!

I hope you all have had a great day as well!

Every once in awhile I feel the need to pull a card from my Ascension Cards deck by Diana Cooper and I’m feeling it tonight.

The card I drew is Fire.

Fire transmutes the old and takes the new to a higher frequency. Archangel Gabriel supervises Thor, the elemental master of fire, and his salamanders. Your guidance is to ask them to transform the energy of conflict, then spread peace, warmth, and nourishment to people everywhere.

You can ask fire to help you eat the right food, so that you have the perfect fuel for your ascension journey. It will also ignite your aura and keep your chakras Fifth Dimensional and glowing, so that you attract many others to you and lead with inspiration.

The affirmation for this card is; I invoke fire to light my way to the new Golden Age.

Take care and Be Well.

Gratitude, Love & Light.